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Meeting 04/05/2019 Pee Edition

Warning: For the first month ever, Rochester 2600 is doing a non-sarcastic blog post.

This coming month’s meeting is Pee Edition in memoriam to our good friend Paul (PEE) who passed away in the previous month. Pee had been involved with 2600, Interlock, Security B-Sides Rochester and tons of other groups but mostly just a friend to all.

We’re still holding an open meeting. Please join. We’ll go through the monthly infosec news and try to make the same sarcastic comments that he would have.

  • All: This month in infosec news

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Meeting 03/01/2019 Goat Edition

It’s the First Friday of the month. You know what that means. It’s a 2600 meeting! This month is a existential look at red solo cups as we explore a somber discussion of a pound of butter and predictive crystals . Here’s what you can expect:

  • All: This month in infosec news
  • antitree: Banderesnearch

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 02/01/2019 Medical Edition

Wow. Big month. It’ll be a solumn discussion of monkeys and their relationships as we dive head first into implications of nostril hair on people with huge heads and Andrew . YOLO:

  • All: This month in infosec news
  • Connor Egbert: Spotify Covert Channel
  • Dr. Spencer: Scaring People With Medical Science

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Meeting 01/04/2019 New Year Edition

Join us this month for a time for awkward lack of eye contact as we chat about dissapointment as we dive head first into the differences between Tupac and a pound of butter . Agenda below:

  • All: This month in infosec news
  • NOTE: No other talks are planned. Feel free to bring your own.

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 12/07/2018 Red Christmas Edition

Attending a 2600 meeting this month means you will see a YOLO! exclamation about depression and its negative affect on the economy and talk about a somber discussion of AntiTree and fear . YOLO:

  • All: This month in infosec news
  • jkeeler: Intro to Threat Modeling
  • Connor Egbert: Electromagnetic Geo-location Fingerprinting
  • Connor Egbert: Improving Private Blockchain-based Medical Record Systems

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 11/02/2018 Watch Out Edition

Get ready for a confusing explanation of anonymity in spite of our discussion about a parasitic gap construction. angels and predictive crystals . Here is an agenda for the night:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • JustBill: Cool Title Names Isn’t My Thing: Infra DevOps

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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