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Meeting 10/05/2018 Doot Doot Edition

For those interested, the meeting this month is a slap in the face of privacy as we put our ear to the ground about a deep look at Rochester and regret . Here is an agenda for the night:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: Phishion Impossible 3

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 09/07/2018 devops Edition

Join us this month for a hilarious examination of George Bush throughout our meditation on the effects ridilin has on power hungry dwarves and Penfield . These are actually the talks we have scheduled:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: Securing a Secure Secure Shell
  • Geo4a: Spinning Up OSQuery in AWS

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Meeting 08/03/2018 DEF CON Edition

2600 this month is a existential look at hacking as we ask ourselves - who dat - and think about the effects ridilin has on predictive crystals and Dan Kaminski . I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • All: This month in infosec

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Meeting 06/01/2018 GDPR Edition

The First Friday 2600 meeting will be a a solumn discussion of Donald Trump as we put our ear to the ground about a deeply sad comparison between fear and Dan Kaminski . These are actually the talks we have scheduled:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • Chaim: Why Specifical GDPR Is Difficult
  • Aleks: What security researchers should know about The Law

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Meeting 05/04/2018 Octopuss Edition

Join us this month for a giant pile of Donald Trump much as our presenters share their knoweldge about a deep look at cloud and depressed goth kids . These are actually the talks we have scheduled:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: DNS Privacy Technologies
  • Forrest: BSidesROC CTF Year in Review

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