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Meeting 10/06/2017 Thermite Day Edition

The First Friday 2600 meeting will be a time for awkward lack of eye contact as we chat about the state of infosec and its negative affect on the economy and talk about an oversimplified comparative anlaysis of mobile cybers and Washington . I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • Someone: This month in infosec
  • Dr. Robo Alex: Let’s get Quantum Physical
  • Cowboy Joe: SSHH… don’t tell anyone yet

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Meeting 09/01/2017 Mayweather Edition

For thos interested, the meeting this month is a slap in the face of dissapointment while we open up the forums to discuss a deeply sad comparison between Brian and nose hair . Here are the actual talks this month:

  • Someone: This month in infosec
  • Some Other guy: Look at me! Tizen!
  • Sum Guy: Let’s get Quantum Physical

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Meeting 08/04/2017 Antisec Edition

Get ready for a trist into unmitigated hate while we watch a size comparison of lean beef and pseudoscience . Presentations this months include:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • TheQuantumJoeTesta: SSHit and FTPee
  • AntiTree: For your eyes only
  • GuestSpeaker: Look, I did something

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Meeting 7/7/2017 Spongebob Edition

Rochester 2600 is going to devote some time to be a celebration of the state of infosec while we sip our drinks and look at a deeply sad comparison between Brian and demons . Here are the actual talks this month:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • Pee: DNSSEC and Rage
  • Alex: Taking The Greenlight When You’re Not Given It
  • InvestigatorChic: DEFCON 25 Preview

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Meeting 06/02/2017 RIT Edition

UPDATE: Rochester 2600 will be hosted at RIT this month.

Building 70 (GCCIS), Room 2500
RIT, "Rochester", NY

Parking is permitted anytime after 6pm in front of the building. (Same as where BSidesROC was)

Rochester 2600 is going to devote some time to be a deep discussion of the information divide while we listen to implications of nostril hair on a depressed fourth grader and Jason’s lost soul . Agenda below:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: The Atrocities of Gnome-Keyring
  • AntiTree: PWning every Kubernetes deployment. ever.

(Sarcasticly generated by the autoblogging bot)

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Meeting 05/05/2017 onion Edition

2600 this month is a giant pile of prestigue as we appologize for common methods of destroying Bitcoin and T.O.R. . YOLO:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: Tor Browser Bundle vs Firefox

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