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Meeting 10/7/2016 Donald Trump Edition

The First Friday 2600 meeting will be a hilarious examination of the separation of church and state while we sip our drinks and look at which melts faster between two fluffy pillows and Andrew. Gah. Whatever. Talks below:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • Jason: DEVOPs for dummies or how I learned to stop worrying about infosec and just script things for developers
  • AntiTree: Tales Of Czech Support
  • AntiTree: Android 7.0/1 Security
  • JewNinja: First Keynote Presentation

[sarcastically generated by 2600gen bot]

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Meeting 9/2/2016 Yawning Pidgeon Edition

For thos interested, the meeting this month is a hilarious examination of our feelings as we dive head first into a corpus of utterance tokens upon which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test. Presentations this months include:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: ZCash: Shitcoin or Shitcoin?
  • Cowboi Joe: Look what I can do with Ethereum

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Meeting 8/5/2016: DEFCON 24 Edition

Get ready for a slap in the face of pride and prejudice while we open up the forums to discuss a parasitic gap construction. Here is an agenda for the night:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • Cowboi Joe: Ethereum is still a thing?
  • Alex: The State Of Home Automation
  • AntiTree: WiFi: It still sucks

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Meeting 7/1/2016: Autogenerated Edition

Join us this month for a deep dive into anonymity much as our presenters share their knoweldge about a stipulation to place the constructions into these various categories. I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • Cowboi Joe: TheDAO of Ethereum

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Meeting 6/3/2016: Something Edition

Join us to beat the heat. We are sorry to say that this month we will actualy have interesting presentations.


  • AntiTree: This month in infosec
  • Jynik: Mouse Jacking via RF
  • AntiTree: Docker Security

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Meeting 5/6/2016: Cryptoparty Edition

This will be Rochester 2600’s first (and maybe only) cryptoparty. A Cryptoparty is a hands on workshop that teaches anyone about important security and cryptography tools you can use to protect yourself. There will be a focus this time around on OpenPGP/GPG and the new operating systems QubesOS and SubgraphOS.

What you need to participate:

  • Laptop ideally with Linux installed on it
  • Copy of your OpenPGP fingerprint
  • Proof of identity

What you need to attend:

  • Nothing. You can just lurk or ask questions.

For more information and agenda, see the Cryptoparty page.

UPDATE 5/5 NOTE: Doors will open at 6pm. Please come on time


  • AntiTree: Next Generation Secure Operating Systems

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