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Meeting 04/06/2018 Fuck Ajit Pai Edition

2600 this month is a a solumn discussion of power lifting while we listen to the strength of Shmoocon and Brian . Here is an agenda for the night:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • AntiTree: Pentesting Devops

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Meeting 03/02/2018 Max Headroom Edition

2600 this month is a a very serious discussion about dogs while we listen to the strength of Bitcoin and predictive crystals . I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • TBD

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Meeting 02/02/2018 Spectre Edition

Join us this month for a exploration of power lifting while we take a look at implications of nostril hair on anger and mobile cybers. Presentations this months include:

  • Antitree: This month in infosec
  • JRWR: Point of Shit System
  • Pee: Autohate DNSSEC

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Meeting 01/05/2017 New Year 2018 Edition

Attending a 2600 meeting this month means you will see a speed round about hacking much as our presenters share their knoweldge about a deeply sad comparison between angels and SDR . YOLO:

  • All: This month in infosec
  • TBD

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Meeting 12/01/2017 Roo Edition

NOTE: This month will be at RIT’s GCCIS building room 1400. That’s Building 070 GOL-1400. You can park in the lot closest to the building without a permit. See RIT Parking Page for more specific information.

Wow. Big month. It’ll be a a very serious discussion about the information divide as we complain about problems of cryptography and headphones . I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • Antitree: This month in infosec
  • Joe: SSH’ing on your parade
  • Antitree: Reports from the Radical Left
  • Antitree: Put this in your pip and smoke it

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Meeting 11/03/2017 Rad Edition

Welp. Time for another meeting. Come on down this month and see a slap in the face of security while we watch a parasitic gap construction. Thomas and Rust. Anyways, here’s the list of talks:

  • Antitree: This month in infosec
  • Joe: SSH’ing on your parade
  • Antitree: Tor Updates for 2049

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