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Meeting 08/05/2022 Giraffe Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

Join us this month for a AI driven unmitigated hate during which time we check out the effects ridilin has on nose hair and 8 pounds of monkey limbs . Agenda below:

  • This month in infosec
  • The atrocities of GPG in 2022

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 07/01/2022 Dall-e Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

It’s the First Friday of the month. You know what that means. It’s a 2600 meeting! This month is a unadulturated look at prestigue as we drink the pain away about a sumo wrestle match between Bitcoin and Washington . I appologize in advance for the following talks:

  • This month in infosec

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Meeting 06/03/2022 DNA Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

Attending a 2600 meeting this month means you will see a trist into risk management while we listen to documented gender barriers of predictive crystals and Brian . Anyways, here’s the list of talks:

  • This month in infosec
  • RNA’t You Ready To Get CRISPR’d?

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 05/06/2022 Johnny Depp Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

Welp. Time for another meeting. Come on down this month and see a AI driven unmitigated hate in spite of our presenters disclosing their feelings on a sumo wrestle match between pseudoscience and anger . Presentations this months include:

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 04/01/2022 Ukraine Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

The First Friday 2600 meeting will be a solumn discussion of prestigue while we take a look at a somber discussion of a pound of butter and Bitcoin . Here are the actual talks this month:

  • This month in infosec review

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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Meeting 02/04/2022 Snow Edition

Location: Global Cybersecurity Institute at RIT

2600 this month is a very serious discussion about Dick Cheney during which time we check out implications of nostril hair on that weird guy that comes in sometimes and ZCash . Well here it is:

Latest security news Discussion on data exfil paths

Disclaimer: All blog text is automatically generated by the 2600 bot of doom. The presentations are real but otherwise we do not really know what will be produced. All complaints should be directed at the bot.

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